Friday, August 7, 2015

Another Yankee Homecoming Bites the Dust

When the white chairs are out on High Street tied to the trees it can only mean one thing.
Yankee Homecoming.
Hundreds of innocent and defenseless chairs are held hostage every year.  Bound to trees to save the front row seats for the parade. 
Personally I could do without the parade.  But I do like the fireworks.  Not enough to actually battle the crowd to watch them at the waterfront.  Instead we took our folding chairs around the corner and plopped ourselves on the church lawn to watch the works between the buildings.  That's right - we brought our chairs - we didn't tie them to the church a week ago in preparation.
Laura brought the neighbor's pup - Piper.  She kinda the star of the show.

A grand finale!  They should end Yankee Homecoming after the fireworks rather than torturing us with the 3 hour road blocking parade the next day.  Free the chairs!!

1 comment:

amp said...

As John Oliver might say, free the FUCKIN chair fir god sakes