Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Moors

The North Yorkshire Moors is a national park.  It is covered in heather and sheep poo.
And it's views are as gorgeous as any we've seen.

The drive up, and we mean up - some grades were as high as 25% - was fun driving.  The locals whizzed past, not caring that there was barely enough room for 1 and a half cars.  Jen is an excellent navigator and a nervous passenger.  She flinches and applies pretend brakes from the passenger seat whenever another car approaches.  

On the way through the Moors we pass through little towns.  Sheep crossing is led by a family on their bicycles.

The Moors are known for their heather.  It is a beautiful purple that blankets the region.
The sun and clouds dance together to constantly change the view of the heather.

The roads are littered with roadkill.  Speeding cars and stupid birds and daring rabbits means there are many flattened creatures.

Jennie goes good with heather.
The End.

1 comment:

didi said...

Love the sheep and the heather, but stripes Jen? :)