Thursday, August 20, 2015

Quiz Night Back at the Vic!

We were so happy to be back at the Victoria for quiz night on Tuesday….but maybe not as happy as the two shaggers behind Bill?  They were clearly not at the Vic to quiz.
There were 7 of us for Saucy Orchestra as Ann-Maria, Ollie and Robert came to join us.
We were so happy to be reunited!
Somehow amidst all our antics, catch up chatter and photo shoots we managed to do pretty well in the quiz.  We were in first place but moved down to second after wiping out in the last round.  
  • What is the word for a narrow strip of land connecting two larger pieces of land across a body of water?  
  • This model and show girl was at the center of the Profumo Affair. 
  • What British town is said to be the farthest from Lands End?  
  • What words make up the acronym SCUBA?  
  • What 5 countries border Argentina? 
  • George Clooney's wife has been asked to replace Donald Trump in what TV reality show?  
  • Identify either the first or last year of Queen Victoria's reign.  
  • Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry were in what building society commercial?  
  • What Sunday newspaper ran fake Hitler diaries in 1983? 

I think this was supposed to be a "sexy face"…I need to work on that….

Quiz Answers:
  • What is the word for a narrow strip of land connecting two larger pieces of land across a body of water?  Isthmus
  • This model and show girl was at the center of the Profumo Affair. Christine Keeler
  • What British town is said to be the farthest from Lands End?  John O'Groats
  • What words make up the acronym SCUBA?  Self Contained Underwater Breathing Aparatice
  • What 5 countries border Argentina? Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile, Brazil Uraguay
  • George Clooney's wife has been asked to replace Donald Trump in what TV reality show?   The Apprentice
  • Identify either the first or last year of Queen Victoria's reign.  1901
  • Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry were in what building society commercial?  Alliance and Leicester
  • What Sunday newspaper ran fake Hitler diaries in 1983? The Sunday Times
After the quiz, Robert invited us back to the mews to see his finished basement!!
We are standing in the kitchen which used to be a hole under his garage.  
This is the other end of the room from the kitchen - and there is a window up above it so that it doesn't feel completely subterranean.  Robert is still in the process of decorating.  This area is where he will live while his Air B and B guests will take the flat above.
The bed room was nice…unfortunately Bill just took this shot of Jerry…being Jerry….so you can't see the whole thing.  And we didn't shoot the bathroom which was nice.  It's fairly small down there but nicely kitted out and Robert's got some plans for a phase 2. Hard to believe that this was once that pile of rubble next door.

1 comment:

chi said...

for the very little it is worth, I totally nailed many of the quiz questions! and rat-a-tat-tat --- can't believe Robert's place -- and the quiet must be the main joy!