Friday, August 15, 2014

24 hours in Brussels

I had a night out in Brussels with Rakesh and Leena.  My 24 hour trip was productive and fun.
It is likely that I won't see Katia and Rakesh again on this assignment.  I'm starting to think more about all the 'last times' before we head home.

Hopefully this is the last time a waiter pours a beer so badly.  Look at that head!

Dragging down my friends.  Leena and Rakesh have been on the road for two weeks.  There was a bachelor party in Russia, sleeping in tents for a musicfest, four days in Paris and this trip to Brussels. They looked no worse for the wear.  I would have been in traction or a coma.
 Half naked street performer dances with fire.
 Rakesh had no clean clothes so he bought the hip sweater you see.  He's also growing out his stash and beard.  He spent the night trying to twirl the ends into a dastardly shape.
 We decided to order the extra large beer.  Rakesh and I split it.  We really ordered it for a picture for the blog.
 Leena giving Rakesh a suspicious look.
 In Brussels centre they have a flower display.

 Rakesh always has his hand on Leena neck when they walk about the city.  It's very cute.
 Ann Maria would be proud of us.  Bringing 'Big Face' to Brussels.  Rakesh is confused with the concept.
 He recovered nicely for 'Small Face'.


Madhuleena said...
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Madhuleena said...

Bill, I often read this post over again and again to remember the moments fondly. It was a great evening in Brussels. I am saving a few pictures from here,,:). Thank you so much for the lovely time and also writing about us.

Jen and Bill said...

Hey Maddie! Excellent to hear from you again. Come to Atlanta with Rakesh.... we can hang out again.

I just reread the blog. How long did Rakesh keep his twirly mustachio?
Hope to see you soon.

Madhuleena said...

I so wish I could. I got no money :-) I am sure, even if not Atlanta, we can hang out again some place .. soon. Rakesh kept it for another 3-4 days before his hippie hermit-like look could raise a few eye-brows at work. See you soon!