Thursday, November 1, 2012

what would Fletch do in Paris?

(I just got off an email exchange with Fletch and I said that if he were in Paris with me he would be making snarky comment about the French all day.....)

I had an hour before I headed home from Paris today so I attempted to see the Louvre.  (I never thought you pronounced the "ra" part.  I was corrected after saying "loov".  I am the least international international HR guy ever)
See the picture of the line below.  Today was a bank holiday, All Saints Day?  Everyone in Paris headed to the Louvre, apparently.
I saw this bridge full of locks.  I found it out of place for Paris.  It's interesting, but not particularly pretty.  It's just one step up from the gang kids chucking their sneakers over the telephone wires.

1 comment:

Fletch said...

The French need to realize that we saved their woeful country twice last century and that we aren't doing it again. They need to be nicer to us. I should be a diplomat with that kind of an attitude....