Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I realize I just gave away the punchline in the title but I am just too excited not to tell you right up front that I saw the Queen.  And she saw me!  She might even be blogging about me right now....ok, probably not.  

The Amir of Kuwait came to town today - this is called an "Inward State Visit" and it means a lot of hoopla happens in Windsor.  The arrangements go back to the time of Queen Victoria:  Dignitaries arrive on the Royal Train.  The Queen comes down from the castle in a car (rolls royce?) to greet him, there is a 21 gun salute and a parade escorts them all back up to the castle in fancy carriages.  As soon as Doug and Marge heard that this was happening around the corner from my house, they decided to stay with us a few extra days for the chance to see Betty. 

As you can see, it was a overcast and drizzly.  But the wind meant that the flag was very visibly waving - - the one that means "The Queen is at home"!!
 Doug and Marge waiting patiently on the parade route.
A taste of the pomp and circumstance....

Unfortunately this story doesn't end with a great picture.  I actually saw her best when she was in the car driving TO the train station - she drove right past us looking out the window, smiling and waving.  I saw her whole face and she really looked just like the pictures.  At the expense of the blog, I made the decision not to worry about my camera because I have no doubt that if I was fumbling to get the shot I would probably missed her and only have a picture of the tail lights to show for it.

I was hoping to get a snap during the return trip up to the castle but the was sitting on the wrong side!  She's in the first one - facing forward next to the Amir of Kuwait.  You can't see her although when the photo is enlarged to you can see her hat.

 In this carriage, Prince Charles is riding with some other Kuwait dignitaries and you can actually see him a bit looking at us.  
This is what living in England is all about - watching the who is coming and going at the neighbor's house.

1 comment:

didi said...

This is so amazing. I can't wait for you to pick me up in a carriage when I come to visit.