Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving - Eton Style

Doug and Marge arrived back in Eton yesterday in time for some holiday festivities - a carol service at Eton College Chapel followed by a procession down Eton High Street and tree light switch on.  (That's what they call it here - a light switch on)

We started in the chapel.  Eton boys are known for their big organ.
(that was for you, Di)
Along with group carols, the Eton elite a cappella group and the children from the Eton Porny school sang carols.   (not sure I'd send my toddler to a school called "porny")
 The Procession:  The Eton boys played brass carols and lead us all down Eton High street.  Doug read in the program that we, the audience, were supposed to line the streets for the children to walk past so he had us sprinting away to find a spot up way ahead to stand rather than walk with the band.  And I thought I was a rule follower.

 This is the tree just seconds after the switch on.  It was incredibly blustery last night but the strap they've got fixed to it seems to be pulling it down rather than holding it up.  I hope it makes it another 5 weeks.
We finished with more carols from the boys.  They had a snow making machine sending out little burst of white flakes every so often but I couldn't seem to get it on film.   We all agreed that it was a very nice way to start the holiday season.


didi said...

This post makes me want to watch Dead Poets Society. How many days till you are in the US?

Jennifer said...

Oh Captain my Captain!!