Sunday, November 18, 2012

We can play Tourist when the mood suits us

Supermarket flowers in the UK are fantastic.

Jennie and I ventured back to London.  The plan was for us to visit a famous pub and for Jen to see the Churchill War Rooms.  We made half those two goals.  
We had not been to the Parliament - Big Ben area of London yet.  Except for the number of people out today, it was a great take.
We are committed to taking a ride on the eye, but today wasn't the day.  We had just seen spectacular views of the city yesterday from St. Paul's Cathedral and the lines to the eye was crazy.  Why was everyone in this part of London today?
 Much of the answer to that last question is the weather.  You can see in our pictures that it was a gorgeous Sunday.
Pub of the day was the Red Lion.  Once Jen heard that this was the pub of Dickens she was in.  We got in for a great Sunday roast before the line became 20 deep.
 We strolled through Trefalgar Square.  We miss the pigeons.  We know they are dirty and all, but it was fun when the whole square was filled with pigeons landing on tourists heads.  High, unintentional comedy.
Do you know how they got rid of them?  They put up a sign that said don't feed the pigeons.  Problem solved.
I like that this one defiant pigeon stayed behind to poop on the head of Sir Henry Havelock.
 We headed home earlier than usual.  School night and we were tired from all the climbing yesterday.  
At home we found a great little take-away (again for you Americans, that's take-out) Chinese.  Good find.  We ate too much and were in bed by 8.

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