Sunday, June 3, 2012

Of bras and thumb sucking hockey goons

Jennie had less than a day at home before she had to fly out to Florida for a meeting.
Always the planner, she ran back in the house before she left so she could get an extra bra in case she had a bra-emergency.
Meanwhile the boys came by today for lunch. 
Spiderman enjoyed playing with our rent-a-wheelchair.  He deceives bad guys who think he can't get him, then he webs them.
Malikai must have seen all the cool kids at school sucking their them so he gave it a whirl.  Bret says it's the first time he's seen him do it.
 The boys are going to start learning to skate.  Malikai really wants to play hockey.  I'll have to tell him that thumbsuckers get their ass kicked in hockey.

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