Friday, June 29, 2012

Bill in China

Bill landed in China this morning sending me photographic proof that he lived through the 15 hour flight with this shot of the airport. (at least I assume this is an airport)
Bill's colleague, Sam, is making sure that Bill is well taken care of.  They went for a traditional Chinese meal in Beijing.  This is Bill eating a whole garlic clove.  He told me that shortly after this he had to excuse himself because he thought he might vomit.  But he didn't and went back to eat a chicken neck.
We were able to "Face Time" on our iPhones while Bill was in the Marriot hotel bar.  He was clearly running on adrenaline and alcohol at this point.  He introduced me to his server, Denise.  Here is Bill and Denise.  Bill looks a little sleepy, no?  He needs to rest up because they head to the Great Wall this weekend!

1 comment:

didi said...

safe travels will!