Thursday, June 28, 2012

Eton Mess

Our shipment has arrive in Eton.  This is the living room filled with all the boxes that were packed to fit like a jigsaw into our crate.  Bill knows how to keep me happy...he told me that he has unpacked but organized nothing.  He knows how much I love to find places for everything and set up our little household systems so I was quite please to hear that the house is in shambles.

Meanwhile, check out the phrenology bust on the coffee table.  We saw it in an antique shop on the High Street and I had "want" written all over my face so he went back and bought it the first weekend he got there.  Another job well done by Will.  All our visitors will be subjected to my assessment of their intelligence and personality based on the shape of their head.  

PS Will left today for China and Australia!  It's hard for me to imagine him eating crickets on a stick in a crowded noodle market a la Blade Runner.  What will they think of the pink paisley? 

PPS I know that a joke that needs to be explained isn't funny...and yet, I want to make sure that readers know that the title of the post not only refers to the current status of our house but also a famous British dessert!

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