Sunday, June 17, 2012

Bill Update and Laura Turns....49 again!

12 hours after I dropped him off at Logan I talked to Bill who was sitting on our new lawn chair in our new back yard of our new house in Eton.  The landlord's sister, Louise,  met him early this morning at the house and took him under her wing.  They went shopping for essentials, they went for a dog walk and then they went to dinner at our realtor's sister's house near by.  I was so happy and relived to hear that everything was working out, that Bill wasn't alone, and that he had someone to show I'm the ropes.  They promised to bring me into the fold when I finally get there.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Laura and I went out to dinner to celebrate her birthday.  We had the most delicious fiddlehead bruschetta and I enjoyed a fantastic rhubarb cobbler with home made vanilla ice cream.  Luckily I did a long walk with Christin and Denise this morning to pre-empt those calories.  Tomorrow it's back to spinach salad.

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