Friday, June 15, 2012

Andy had a whale of a time!

So much to report today.  Andy and family went on a whale watch.  Despite a dose of dramamine, Andy was violently ill and in bed for the rest of the afternoon while Tisha took the kids to the beach.

The shippers finally arrived at 4:00 to pack our belongings for the trip to Eton.  All our winter clothes, coats, boots, some of Bill's paintings, a few dishes, our colorful forks, some family photos and our mini ironing board are currently packed in cardboard heading for Logan.

We ended the day with a bbq.  Friends, family and neighbors all gathered for a cook out, a fire,  drinks, laughter and tears (with 6 six kids in the yard, tears were inevitable).  Andy even made it out of bed with a appetite.  We dipped into Bret's cord of wood to get a roaring fire going for smores. 

Grampa Bill can't get enough of these little guys.
Neither can "Cousin Zoe"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Important to note that the kids DID see a whale (I saw only the insides of my eyelids) which makes all illness worth it in the spirit of parental sacrifice. And I did chow down at the cookout 4 hours later. Andy