Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Eva won't be missed....

The most difficult part of this move to the UK is the goodbyes.  The boys and I went to Mom's for dinner tonight.  My goal, as it always is when I'm with Mom, is to make her laugh.  It was a little harder tonight with the impending move staring us in the face.

But we had a few giggles .... Here Joey shows Mom some basics on how to use her camera.  Old people trying to figure out technology is always a hoot.
 Bret and Joey wrestling is fun, too.  Until they kicked Mom's table and got yelled at.  It brought back memories....
And finally, we laughed at Eva, Mom's downstairs senile neighbor.  She accused my Mother of knocking over the wreath outside her door.  My Mom denied it and Eva told her "you wouldn't tell me if you did anyway".
I decided to toy with Mom by stealing the wreath and putting it her living room.... Mom made me put it back exactly as I found it and told me Eva better not catch me.  Bret had the idea to swap Eva's two wreaths but Mom would have none of it.  We figured if Eva was always going to accuse Mom of being a bully she may as well act the part.

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