Saturday, June 16, 2012

The first day of the rest of our lives

The day is finally here when Bill heads to the UK for the start of our two year adventure.  We've been looking forward to this with excitement and dread.  It feels like Bill's been on a goodbye tour longer than Cher with all the accolades, parties, phone calls and gifts he's been getting.  And yet, his whole departure was hanging by a thread unless his passport arrived before the flight.  It was such a relief, we took a picture of it.

 Trudi, Bret, Joey, Wyatte and Malikai all come over to say their last good byes today but it still didn't feel real till I had to leave him at Logan security.   I purposely didn't wear much mascara.  (Of course, even in tears I can't not put on the picture face.) 

Hate to see him go.  I miss you already, Will!  Love, Sausage

1 comment:

Fletch said...

I miss you guys already. Not so much Bill, but definitely Jen.

How am I going to get in the blog now?