Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Welcome Home, Peabody!!

Poor Peabody was left in Kilkenny on the very first day of our trip. With fear in my heart I emailed Yvonne at Butler Court to ask, "Did you happen to find a little monkey in our room?"
All of the joy and happiness of the vacation was hinging on her reply. Thankfully, Peabody was found fraternizing with the cleaning staff (telling them how to do their jobs more effectively, no doubt) so Yvonne bubble wrapped him for his long journey home. I would lying if I didn't admit that it got a little misty in the kitchen when I saw his familiar head peeping out of the packaging. We missed you, Peabody!

1 comment:

didi said...

I can only imagine what Yvonne wrote on her blog about the odd Americans leaving their stuffed monkey behind and asking her to ship it to America for them. Good thing it wasn't Paris or Peabody never would have made it home. I wonder if Peabody and Petey are comparing travel journals today?