Friday, December 3, 2010

Guinness is good for you

Today's big event on our last full day in Dublin was the Guinness plant. We saw how beer was made. We didn't pay attention because we couldn't remember what the hops did. Jen's favorite fun fact was that the Guinness family was the same one that produced the Guinness book of World Records. It was created so that publicans could settle disputes about things like what is the fastest bird (which I guess was a question that used to come up a lot in pubs).

Jen auditioning for the next Guinness girl.
We are pretty wiped out at this time.... tired from a fun week. It shows. We're wearing the same clothes, have bags under our eyes and always look like we have a beer or two in us (because we do).
That said, look at how we can muster up enough energy to look cute for the camera.

1 comment:

didi said...

always having 1 pint in you pretty much summarizes the irish philosophy! life is better when you are tipsy! hope the trip home is uneventful and you get a good rest sunday morning.