Friday, July 29, 2016

Bits and Bobs

You can tell it's the end of the week when we run out of cohesive story lines for the blog.  But here are some random shots that I thought you might enjoy.

Actually, this first one is rather sweet.  I saw this on one of my early morning walks.  The little hut says "made by Jack and his Dad."  I don't know what it is - a little house for a rock?  But I love it. Obviously it's a big hit with the rocks too - look at how many have lined up to enter!
I hope Jack and his Dad are building other things as you read this.
A chair, a book, a cuppa.  Bliss.
These are hanging above the doorway of a local shop that sells lots of socks.  
Looking for Sole Mates!
Last Friday Dixie and Piper (and Laura - not pictured here) came over for popcorn and an adult beverage.  Piper was fascinated by Woodman and kept licking his ear.  We watched various YouTube videos of last movie dance scenes (Dirty Dancing, Footloose, Silver Linings Playbook, etc) and Larry Bird videos.Who says we don't know how to have a good time?
TGIF!  Have a  great weekend, Dear Readers!

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