Thursday, July 21, 2016

A Rush of a night...

The two hippest cats attended the Red Sox game Tuesday.  Peter and I were there too.

Yeah.  We're still not hip.
I ended up leaving my iPhone at the beer stand.  Peter called it to find out where it was.  The lost and found guy told me he had it at gate D.  Gate D is apparently where the losers go to retrieve their lost items.

Not hip still.
The Sox, meanwhile, slapped the Giants on the nose with a newspaper.
We won 4 - 0.  I say we, despite Peter and I not getting any hits and not catching any pop ups.
Peter got yelled at for putting his beer on the rail in front of us.

The low point was not the lost phone.  It was Peter and I singing Sweet Caroline.

The Sox celebrate after the shut out.
This was wonderful, but not the highlight of the night.  Peter and I rocked out on the way home to Rush and AC/DC.  Love AC/DC, but have never been a Rush fan.  Peter knew all the band members (only three of them make that Giant sound.  See how I used Giant like the baseball team in my comment.  I may begin writing my novel.)

Peter is my boss, by the way.  He's also my buddy.
Love him.  It will be weird when he has to fire me for my inappropriateness.

1 comment:

didi said...

How is Peter's cat doing? :)