Monday, July 18, 2016

Happy Birthday Malikai!!

Guess who's 7??
A few weeks ago we were in the local toy store and Malikai started pointing out things he wanted (basically everything).  So when we got home I told him to make a list.
In case you can't read it, I will decipher it for you with the proper spelling:
1. Remote Control Boat
2. Periscope
3. Dart Board
4. Pen
5. Notebook
6. Rubber Gloves  (??)

I was so happy to have a list.  We got everything on it.
According to Malikai, this is the best periscope for spying.
But his favorite item….the rubber gloves!!!!!  We figured out in between the list making and the birthday that he was talking about gardening gloves.  But he is calling them his spying gloves.

The dart board was put to use immediately.
After a game of darts, Malikai and Wyatte hid behind the car (sitting in a pile of dirt) to take notes on the adult's activity.   Since I know how much they hate to see kissing, I made sure to kiss Bill. 
That sparked this write up:  The Case of The Kissing Couple.  
Wyatte is destined to be a screen writer.  "Let me kiss you first.  Let me kiss you, baby."  I can assure you that these words were not actually spoken.
After the boys went home Bill and I walked down to the local eatery for a bite.
This picture makes it look deserted but actually, we had to come to the upstairs bar because the downstairs was too full. A local artist friend stopped in and chatted with us for a while and we watched Red Sox highlights.  So nice to be able to go out so close to home.

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