Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Peaking Early

We started our holiday weekend with an impromptu night at the neighbors.  Sue and Steve (on the other side of our wall) have created a nice little sitting areas tucked inside their front fence.  I think they call it Cocktail Cove.  Or else I made that up.  Anyway, it was pizza night but Bill and I went over for a drink.  You know, to be social.
Then Dixie and Piper came over.  
Steve told us a story about his friend's Siamese cat that likes to sniff armpits.
Sue's daughter Lexie and her boyfriend Connor were also there.  Lexie spent Thursday night pureeing watermelon for the watermelon margaritas.  
Piper was ready for a snack.
...but she settled for some affection.
This is Sue's dog, Char.  Yes…as you can see we are now indoors.  There never was any pizza.  We just kept saying we'd have one more…and then one more…I ate my weight in cheese rationalizing that I needed food in my stomach. 
Bill was the Dj and we got into a loooooong informal game of name that tune/artist.  Steve kicked our asses but I got a few before him.  Laura showed us her moves.  
Bill and I were in desperate need of a nap the next day.
July looks like a fun month!

1 comment:

Team Strunkin said...

Char is my dog's long lost brother or something - looks just like Tuukka!