Monday, July 25, 2016

A Visit from the Littles

Saturday started with a little shopping.  Joey needs to round out his Teacher Wardrobe for his new job in the Fall so he came to town to try his luck at some of the men's shops.  To prepare he spent the morning taking pictures of each piece in his existing wardrobe so we could find matching shirts etc.  I was very impressed with this!!  (We didn't take pictures while we were shopping but we found several needed items.)
And look who came over Saturday afternoon??  Baby Oona!
She didn't come alone of course.  Bret looks like a natural, doesn't he?  By baby #3 he's got it down pretty good.  He's an expert swaddler.
Malikai is a doting big brother.
Grampa Bill couldn't get enough of her. 
Uncle Joey got in on the action.
Oona is going to be spoiled as the only little girl in the family.
I'm just happy to have another chick in the family.
Meanwhile I spent the afternoon as the other half of The Prank Club.  Malikai and I spent the day making fake ice cubes out of cotton balls and scotch tape, hiding plastic poo in Grampa Bill's cigar box and making our own dribble glass.  It was really more of a steady stream than a dribble so I think we need to work on the design.  
But the day didn't end there!  Next we headed into town to meet up with Jen and Brian who came up for the night.
We had tickets to another Story Slam in the Tannery but we got there late and couldn't get seats together.  At the intermission we tried to talk Jen into getting on stage to tell a story but in the end she didn't get up.  Then over dinner she told us all the stories she thought about telling, no doubt regretting her decision not to do it on stage.  
It even cooled off while we were in the show.  No complaints about this summer Saturday!

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