Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

WIth the arrival of Oona there was lots of family time this weekend.  At one point we took the littles out to the field for a ball game.  
Wyatte smoked a few.
Joey showed some good form on the mound.
Bill makes this play look like a can of corn.  (I just googled baseball expressions to liven up the post.)
Allie has a nice Gunt.
Ok - I have no idea what this expression means and it seems inappropriate.  The page says to say
"That's a nice Gunt"- whenever  Top Gunt makes a nice play.  What are they talking about???
None of the batting phrases seem to apply here…basically I missed every pitch but one and when I did connect it hurt like hell because I didn't have a firm grip on the metal bat.  That was the end of my batting career.

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