Friday, July 15, 2016

Are You There, God?

It's us - Jen, Laura and Christin!  We're at the Portsmouth Music Hall to see an icon.
But before you see an icon, you should always empty your bladder.  The bathroom here was very cool.  Those are branches near the ceiling - not dangling wires.
So who did we come to see?  JUDY BLUME!!!
 Like probably every girl my age, I devoured her books when I was young.  I read them over and over and was so excited when a new one came out.  They were my secret bible on all those nasty changes of puberty, scoliosis, divorce, racism and on and on. Judy at 78 was adorable, funny, self deprecating, gracious to her fans.  The pictures make it look as though she is singing with a backup band but they just played a few numbers before she came on stage.
Judy didn't sign books after (I guess at 78 you've earned the right not to have to sit for hours signing your name for the rabble) but we were three happy girls after the event.
(P.S. Portsmouth was great….the Music Hall was amazing….we're coming back ALL THE TIME!!)

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