Monday, August 1, 2016

Art on the Mall 2016

It's the first weekend of Yankee Homecoming - a week (and 2 weekends) of events all through out the Port.  One of our favorites is Art on the Mall.  Dozens of local artists set up tents in the Mall to show and sell their work.  Laura, Bill and I walked up as soon as it opened Saturday morning.
I don't think we're really supposed to take pictures of all the art since these people are trying to sell the pictures but I snapped a few on the sly.
Like by taking selflies…where art just happens to be behind me (along with Bill and Laura).
Bill and I were snapping selflies all over.  
But lets really take a look at the art.  This was one of my favorites.  Ok, maybe it was my favorite.  I'm not sure the iPhone picture does it justice.  The door of the water in the marsh was exquisite.  An amazing bluish green that contrasted with the maroon grass.  I'm pining for it as I type.
Instead we went with Bill's selection - which I also love.  Bill has a turned me on to pictures of telephone poles. 
Look at how happy he is!! How could I deny him his favorite painting?  Art on the Mall 2016 was a success!

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