Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Scenes from Around the Port

On Sunday I strayed from my usual path for my morning walk and wound up in the North End of town several miles from my house.  I kept seeing intriguing little back streets that I'd never been on so I kept walking farther and farther away.  So on this walk I thought that maybe I would start a series of different views of my Port town because I love how there are so many different style of houses even on the same block.

This one caught by eye because of that wonderful vine curtain!!  It's like green lace for the porch. 
I love this Victorian with the different colored details.  But especially because everything is square rather than rounded.
It's all straight lines and box towers.
I don't think my picture really shows it clearly but this house has "1901" in tile at the top.
And i found a new Little Free Library.  This one is "Dick's Library"….maybe it's porn?
Before I made it home I walked by the site of my favorite bagel shop that had a fire a couple weeks ago.  Boo hoo!!!!  The fire was caused by a cigarette in the mulch!!  I almost didn't let the landscapers put mulch in our yard after that.  If our place goes up in flames we'll know why.
Random shot of me reading in the yard.  On Sunday night the temp actually cooled off enough to warrant a long sleeved t-shirt!  I think it's only a matter of hours before we are back in a heat wave.

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