Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Day of Independence, Perry Como and Mexican Wrestlers

It was a lovely day for hats and flowers, this Fourth of July.
We had sister Kat, my Mom, Laura, Bret and Zoe over for grilling.

Jen looking splendid in her new hat, which she can only wear if the wind isn't blowing.
 Laura too looking splendid in her hat and surrounded by flowers.
 Mom is hiding in the flowers.
 We had fun playing old music for Mom (fan of Sinatra, Perry Como) and 70's music for Kat (I was trying to recall her album collection I used to listen to - fan of Jethro Tull, Joan Armatrading, Elton John's Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy)

One of our discussions involved choosing your Mexican Wrestling Name (think of the Jack Black movie, Nacho Libre).  
Jen was 'El Burpo'.  No need to expound on that.  
Kat cheated and picked the Russian name for New Cat.  I believe it was Novaya Koshka.
Mom had the best.  She would call herself 'The Screw', because she has screws in her spine.  In Spanish that would be La Tornillo.  Nobody tornillo's with La Tornillo!
 And Zoe made an appearance.  This might be her last blog appearance before our new grandkid is born.  (She's a few days overdue and very uncomfortable).
 Kat hadn't played catch in years so we had a little short toss.  The game ended when I bounced a ball off Jen's head and made her spill her tea.  
What a cute picture.
Lovely day.
Let's end with a terrible Fourth of July related joke.
What did George Washington say to his men before they crossed the Delaware?
Get in the boat, men

Happy 4th all.