Thursday, October 1, 2015

Odds and Ends

Booktopia is finally over.  I'm home again and without any major events going on this week I just have a potpourri of pictures.
Bret, Zoe, and the boys visited this weekend.  We all walked down town for lunch and for Malikai to spend one of his birthday gift cards.  I wish I'd taken a picture of him when he picked out the lego kits at the toy store.  He was so happy.  It's nice to have a little shopper in the family.
This week was the Super Blood Moon.  My picture isn't very super. I didn't know that it was only going to be super right at the beginning and then it would be normal sized.  Here it is rising over the house.
And then the rains came.  I went out on the roof because I could hear people ringing the church bell.  Can you see the tiny folk in the tower?    Shortly after I took this came the deluge.
This is what it looked like pouring off the roof.   We lost the gutter pipe in a hurricane a few years back. The rain creates a big pool in the yard and then slowly leaks into our basement.  Some day we need to do something about that.
Joppa flats after the storm.

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