Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Mushroom Houses of Charlevoix

When Jana and I told people we were doing some sightseeing on our way back to Traverse City they all mentioned the mushroom houses.   They are stone with thatched roofs that look like something out of a fairy tale.
They were designed and built by Earl Young to show that small stone houses could be as impressive as a castle.  (I got that off wikipedia. For all I know he thought he was a Hobbit and wanted to built himself a little Hobbit House)  I know the one below doesn't look like a mushroom but I love all the stone work.
This was the giant mushroom house.  When you really look at it, it looks pretty normal underneath but with an undulating thatched roof.  (I like that word - undulating….undulating….say it out loud - undulating.)
The most interesting was the half house. It was the most interesting one we saw at least because I read on line that there are actually 31 such houses and we only saw about 4.  Anyway, there was a little tour going on while we were walking by and there was a history about some sort of dispute…maybe to do with a property line? that resulted in this strange configuration.  I tried to google it but I didn't see a back story right away and gave up.  Anyway, they were pretty cool and worth a mini detour to see them on our way to the airport.

1 comment:

didi said...

You have always loved your mushrooms, Jen!