Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Happy Birthday, Mummy

Saturday was Mum's birthday so Bill, Miles, and I headed west.
We met up with the family in Lenox for dinner before a show.  Miles and Mum bonded instantly.
The show was a Speak Up Storytelling event at The Mount.  Speak Up is a group put together by our old Booktopian pals Matthew and wife Elysha. Similar to the Moth, people get up and tell 5-10  minutes stories from their lives about a chosen topic.  Tonight was Fish Out of Water although, frankly, I don't really see how many of these stories fit that topic but they were still really good.
  The Mount is Edith Wharton's house in the Berkshires and one of the reasons Mum was excited to go….unfortunately the event was in the barn.  And it was at night so we couldn't even see the house in the darkness.  Oh well, looks like we need to do another road trip to see it during the day.  

Ok enough back story.  Once we got there, we started taking silly pictures.
(Top row:  Mum, Andy, Heather.  Bottom row:  Jen, Bill, Eden)
Elysha was out MC for the night.  She told me she gets nervous to do these shows but she was great.
I was happy to see a whole slew of Booktopians at the event!!  In additional Matt & Elysha, Susan was one of the speakers.  Photos were a must so Bill did the honors, using our old wedding pose (Everyone look at Jen) for the last pic.

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