Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Jen and Di go to Room

I saw Diane (and Stacey) last night and she asked why she hadn't been on the blog yet.  My reasoning was that I would take a picture of the three of us to add to this post since this was a bit light…but then I forgot to actually take that picture.

Diane and I went to a free sneak preview of the movie Room last week in Harvard Square.  It was part of the Boston Lit Fest so the author of the book was there - turns out she also wrote the screenplay.  For me, this was one of those rare cases where the movie is better than the book. It's very true to the original story - especially in the first half of the book - but she stripped away a bunch of extra characters and plot lines that seemed to muddle the second half.  The movie is really good and I recommend it.
This is a picture of me and Di before the lady in front of us shushed us….which she did just as the lights were going down which I think is bad form.  Give us a chance to actually talk DURING the movie before tell us to be quiet.  (Which of course we would not do because we are well aware of movie etiquette!!)  

1 comment:

didi said...

It's been too long since I've appeared on the blog, don't you think, Fletch? :) I agree, great movie & great night. Also great night with Stacey -- too bad we didn't take a photo, because our crazy waitress sure would have been an interesting post.