Friday, September 4, 2015

Just a nice little Sunday ...

Fantasy football draft day with Joey and his friends.
I was the designated old guy.
Derek called in from Syracuse.  Kieren Skyped in from North Carolina.
Kieren drafted while sitting on the toilet and finished the draft with an online mooning.
 My team is weak.  Two injuries already and the season hasn't started yet.
 Then it was off to Brenda's house for a cookout.  She lives as the stable manager on 70 acres in Boxford.
 Mom was happy to have us together for the day.
 This is what we taught the kids after our years abroad.
 Apparently this horse is the bully of the farm.
 That didn't slow Wyatt down at all.  It appears that everyone but Joey and I are intimidated by these beasts.
 Joey draws a charge.
 Our cute little family.
 We did alright, raising two great little kids into great men.
A lovely day, indeed.

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