Monday, September 28, 2015

Still Booktopia

Even though it's a week later, it's still Booktopia on the blog.  
Monday and Tuesday were the author talks, yankee book swap and speed book chat.  Most of the events I went to were at the bookstore.  

The bookstore's chairs were signed by authors like Jamie Ford and Jan-Philip Sendker.  
One day Lisa had the pesto grilled cheese at the cafe next door and the next day they tried to tell us it wasn't available.  Let me tell you how long Lisa put up with that b.s.  She marched right down to the kitchen area to talk to the chefs about how much she liked it and really wanted it again.
Pesto grilled cheese for everyone!!

Of course, if you are going to eat pesto grilled cheese for lunch, you need to walk so it doesn't sit forever on your ass.  Lisa and I might have missed a book event for a walk on the India Trail but it was a good trade.
We got back in time to sneak into the Q&A with Simon and Thomas - - they are bloggers who also have a podcast.  If you listen to BOTNS you probably also listen to The Readers.

The final event!!
We had an impromptu FaceTime chat with Chris - or maybe it was the ghost of Chris since the phone is glowing white.
Clearly it was a funny conversation. 
Another author, Bruce, came in as we were saying goodbye to Chris, so he had a little chat with her as well...
And then talked Jana and I into going out for one last drink.  As you can see, we closed the place.  But that's not saying much because I think they stopped serving at 10:00.  They let us sit with our drinks while they mopped the floor, put all the chairs up,  and did everything they needed to do before leaving.
When we got back to the inn Jana thought she smelled gas (as in natural gas…not human gas) so we started breathing in deeply.  These are our smelling faces.  I really threw myself into it but couldn't smell anything.
I called Bill when I got to my room and woke him up.  When we are at home he is up until all hours of the night watching shows on his laptop, smoking his cigar etc.  When I'm away he seems to go to bed early. Sorry, honey.  I just wanted to talk to you one last time before I was killed in the gas leak.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love reliving our booktopian days with you. Thank you Jen Jen xxxx