Tuesday, September 8, 2015

All Problems Solved

Thursday morning I was full of anticipation.  I told Bill, "This delivery will solve all of life's problems."      I was not disappointed.  Behold the new life changing sofa and ottoman. 
Who will be the first to spill on it?  Probably me.  But right now it is pristine and comfortable and big enough for both of us to stretch out in front of the TV.  
You are probably wondering what happened to the cabinet that used to hold our old fat TV…Bill is having a mental struggle with it's end of life plan.  And it weighs too much to move it multiple times so for now it is enjoying a second life in the kitchen (where all things go to die.   Everything in the kitchen is temporary waiting for the day we finally get around to doing that big project!)
Meanwhile, the old shlumpy sofa was moved to the old dining room for a new life in front of the fireplace.  (Yes, Jessica, the fireplace STILL has no mantle…)
I'm not sure that every single life problem has been solved but at least we can sit comfortably  while we ignore them.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Looks great! Now you have a "media room"!