Thursday, September 24, 2015


I'm back from Booktopia!   I got home late last night and haven't had time to get my blog posts ready.  I know Fletch is eager to see what shenanigans we got up to in Petoskey Michigan.  Here are just a couple tidbits and more to follow…

As this is the last official booktopia, Ann and Michael (the hosts) had a blanket specially made for their most loyal follower Linda.  She has attended ever Booktopia (there are 3 a year in various locations - I only go to the ones in VT).  The blanket has the name of every author that attended every Booktopia so she can curl up with all of them.
This is Ann and Michael on the last night.  The night was perfect actually, we gave them a standing ovation but there wasn't a lot of farewell talk…better to just let it end happily and upbeat.   The last night is called the Celebration of Authors - each of the authors at the event gets up and talks for 5-10 minutes.  This night often drones on way to long and the authors in the past have sometimes done the same spiel the they did at their daytime events.  But this time they were all very different, entertaining and brief!  The perfect ending.
Our motley crew - - Lisa, Thomas, Simon, Jo Ann, Jana and me.   You'll be seeing these faces a lot more in tomorrow's post!  

1 comment:

Fletch said...

Booktopia is a distant second to Blogtopia...