Friday, September 25, 2015

Mackinac Island

Booktopia is really FABBIETOPIA!!!
Sadly we only had 4 of the 7 Fabbies on this trip but the other 3 were with us in spirit and technology (texting, Facebook, Face Time, etc).
Sunday was a free day before the events on Monday so we spent it on Mackinac Island.  
We called it our Mackinac Fabbie Attack.
And mascot Miles has made his way back to me in the rotation!
You have to take a ferry to get to Mackinac Island and there are no cars there.  Everyone gets around by either walking, riding a bike, or by horse drawn carriage.
Lisa set a course for adventure with Nancy as her first mate.
I realize now that I hardly took any pictures of the harbor town.  It's a shame because it was very pretty but this probably tells you everything you need to know - they bike everywhere, the flowers were gorgeous and every other shop sold fudge.
This woman was getting her lunch at the counter and it was served in a Fritoes bag!
Fabbie Lisa was shocked that I've never heard of Fritos Pie.  She said it as though it was something the pilgrims ate at Thanksgiving and I was hundreds of years behind the times in junk food sensations.
Side note - what do you think of the color of this nice woman's nail polish?  I am not a fan…it seems like the color of nails a corpse would have but, again, I think I'm off trend.
Adirondack Fabbie Attack!
And this is the one where I was taking the selfie, closed my eyes because of the sun, and still took the picture.  You'd think I would be well aware of when I was taking my own photo.  Maybe I'm just blissed out.
The shore line was cairn central. Bill would have been busy for hours.  You were encouraged to build them as well as add to the existing ones.  Nancy did her part.
We took a nice long walk all over the island.  Over 25K steps that day.
This is the Grand Hotel where the movie  Somwhere In Time was filmed.  You are not allowed in unless you are a guest or you pay a $10 admittance fee!!  WTF?  
They have the longest front porch in the world. (I mean that literally - you can google it.)
We walked by this pretty garden and saw this sign - they hid 10 items for people to look for as they pass by.  We had a ferry to catch so I couldn't stop to play.  But I do see a cat!
We loved our time on Mackinac but we needed to get back to Petoskey for dinner. 
They were flying kites as the ferry headed for home.

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