Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Next Herb Ritts?

This is what happens when Wyatte gets ahold of the camera - you get a lot of "Loved By All"s (which are pictures that we will use in your obituary with the caption "loved by all")

Here is Bret - truly loved by all.

A self portrait of the artist and his Grandpa Dude.

Bret decided to come down tonight with the kids for a quick birthday visit. Golf balls were thrown, pasta was thrown, bread was thrown...there was a lot of throwing. Bill opened the last of his gifts (the aforementioned golf balls and a pair of Mark Nasson shoes with an etched dragon on the top). Thus endeth another birthday.

1 comment:

amp said...

Great self-portrait. I have learned from my 10-year-old son that these pictures get better and better as the arms grow and the camera can be held farther away and at a better angle...