Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Call me old fashioned

Denise and I were talking tonight about picking the next book to read. She adores her Kindle and recently downloaded a book that she wasn't quite in the mood yet to read. So now she has to pick another book to download until that mood arrives.

I'm a firm believer that a book's timing is everything. That is why I continue to amass my To Be Read pile of (actual) books. Here is a shot of them (these are the tier 1 TBRs - tier 2 are in a basket on the other side of the leopard chaise). After a murder mystery I might want something light, then a heavy drama, then...who knows? I can sleep easy knowing that whatever mood comes after this book, the next book is waiting for me in these piles.

I have no doubt that an e-reader is in my future - so much easier for upcoming Ireland? - but I really cannot imagine not having the gluttonous joy of a stock pile of books.


amp said...

I hear you, I totally hear you, and there are some books that I want to make sure I will always have access to in a print copy. But stacking up to-be-read books is fun with the Kindle, too. You can get these kinds of pretty displays: http://g-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/kindle/www/maczama/merch/mac-home-sm._V198826815_.jpg

Jen and Bill said...

I like my piles but I will admit that your picture is good too...and less of a mess around the house.