Friday, October 22, 2010

Bookclub Brawl at Brays's

Police responded to a 911 call at approximately 9:30 Friday evening when an overzealous book group gathered for a discussion at the usually quiet establishment. The book club is reportedly a group of liberals from Massachusetts who make an annual pilgrimage to Bridgeton stopping en route at Bray's Brewery and Pub. The manager mentioned that they have had trouble with this group before, forcing other patrons to change seats but that this year, the situation really got out of hand.

"The redhead was raising her voice, shouting out something that sounded like 'Farraday was obsessed with the house!' and waving her hands like a maniac. I was scared for those other ladies' lives."

Before the violence spread to other diners, the authorities arrived. The red haired woman was tasered while the rest were handcuffed and escorted out of the bar.

"We thought if we put them in their own room this year we wouldn't have all this trouble," explained the hostess who was cleaning up the onion rings that had been thrown during the fight. "You'd think that a bunch of intellectuals could control themselves."

The women have declined comment, only saying that they preferred the incident stayed out of the media so that absent book club members wouldn't know that they started the book discussion without them.


didi said...

onion rings, brewery, tasers -- sounds amazing. though intellectuals, not so much...

Unknown said...

As they hauled her off to the pokey, the red head could be heard muttering from the back of the police cruiser, "It's a class issue. A CLASS issue. It's all about the British CLASS structure! ..."

Anonymous said...

And may I add, the blonde, steadfastly refusing to succumb to group pressure, was heard saying minutes before execution "the last sentence meant NOTHING, NOTHING".