Saturday, October 9, 2010

My angriest post

In theory a community yard sale is something we can all rally behind. A chance for neighbors to bond. Make a few extra dollars that you can put toward something fun and frivolous.
In reality, though, the community yard sale sucks. There is a little neighborhood relationship building, but it does not outweigh the negatives. The shoppers appear to have been dropped out of the Ozarks, hankering to talk you down from the twenty five sent price tag. Few are friendly. Fewer seem like people you'd like to have a drink with.
Jen and I dug out a few items that we've been tucking away for such an occasion. They amounted to crap. A few old light fixtures, a dozen of handbags Jen has discarded for reasons only known to her some board games we never used...that's about it. We lay out a blanket and looked down at our sad little presentation. When both of us stepped in dog poo a couple of times we knew it was time to cut our losses.
We posted a "Free" sign on our lot and got the hell out. You should have seen the riffraff scurrying to pick at our wares, like maggots to a carcass.
They parked on our sidewalk, blocked our driveway and one of them knocked over my cairn in front of the house.

I fixed it, muttering the whole time at the yard salers. Good riddance, the lot of you.

1 comment:

didi said...

how rude! hopefully you have some good poop stories to add to the collection?