Saturday, October 30, 2010

Just another Saturday for Jen & Bill

The festival planning is in full swing. Sherri, Vicki and I met today to plot out the literary genius that will grace Newburyport in April 2011. We make it look easy, don't we?
Then we had a great night out with Whitney and Aaron. We went to Post 390 near Copley Square. I was double spoiled with a new book (Keith Richards bio, which has received high marks) and the return of my hat after almost a year being held hostage by Will. Jen wore her "I don't get out much" party dress.
We ended the night with a surprise visit from Bret. Jen made me take their picture together.
Bret is all Blinded by the Light, Jennie is all Girls on Film.

Smokin' hot Jennie finishes her night with a scotch and cigar...

Pictures we didn't post:
* Joey running his final cross country race. We showed up a half hour after he raced because he gave us the wrong time......
* Bret's junk car after we realized it would never be road safe. We were too pissed to take the shitbox's photo.
* Jen's brand new Yaris. It looks just like Bill's old Yaris


amp said...

Yeah, we made the blog! Thanks for a very fine night on the town. We came home and tried to finish the second bottle of wine but went cigar-less.

didi said...

what an exciting day and post! so many guests, so many outfits! love the final pose Jen, very Paris Hilton of you. Maybe the xmas party should be dress up this year? :)