Monday, November 30, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

I know Bill already posted pictures of us at the parade, but here are a few of the other happenings on Thanksgiving Day.
It started with us thinking we needed to move the car.  There were no parking signs saying Thursday mornings were street cleaning.  So before we headed to Manhattan for the parade we wanted to move the car to another street to be safe.  Hmmmm…trapped by an ambulance with no trace of it's driver. We joked about ringing doorbells asking if they could delay their medical emergency for a few minutes while we moved the car…? But then a local told us that there was no street cleaning on Thanksgiving and we were able to go on our way.
Bill posted his parade pix but I have a few more.  This was the first float we saw - from inside the Pret where I was getting tea.
Power Ranger. 
Reflection - frankly I thought this was more interesting than the parade.
I got weirdly excited about the Pillsbury Dough Boy.  At least he was someone from my childhood as opposed to all the video game characters from the 90's.
Once the parade was over we started walking.  And walking. And walking.
Until we found a nice place in the Village for lunch.   Chez Jacqueline.  Despite the french name we both had pasta.  Delish. 
Fast forward to dinner with Anthony and Kelly!!  We all had turkey with cranberry and stuffing.   Then Anthony bought tequila shots to do with Bill.  Kelly and I were not expected to partake.  Doesn't she look thankful for that?  
I'm happy to say that Bill downed it like a man.  Anthony, on the other hand…
I'm still not sure what happened here.
But he rebounded for a group photo. It was a really nice way to spend the holiday.
Anthony and Kelly even brought us a little bit of the UK!!  They brought these goodies all the way from England for us - beer, shortbread, candy, tea.  A really lovely surprise.
So much to be thankful for this year - Bret and Zoe's wedding, Joey's graduation, and, of course, our wonderful friends and family. 

1 comment:

didi said...

Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly