Thursday, November 5, 2015

NYC Selfies Day One

Saturday I flew down to the big apple for a mini Fabbie fest.  
I tried to take selfies of us at every event.
This is breakfast at Texas Star - a diner the size of my Yaris.  Our three stools took up half of the seating.  The price was right - $10 for breakfast for three. 
After breakfast we walked to the Cathedral of Saint John the Devine - the 4th largest Christian church in the world.   They had some art installations about food and lots of stained glass but why take pictures of all that when we three are camera ready?  At least I got some church marble in the shot.
Outside the church near a statue.  Sunbeams galore.
Next stop - a hungarian coffee shop.  And I finally remembered to bring out Miles!!
I will interrupt the selfies for a few artsy black and whites of the cafe.
I loved their art - these were all old book covers.
Not far from our last little eatery was this landmark - the Seinfeld diner.  
Don't you hear that weird popping theme music in your head when you see it?
"I can't carry a pen in my pocket, Jerry, I'm afraid I'll puncture my scrotum!" 
(Feel free to post your favorite Seinfeld quote in the comments.)
It wouldn't be a trip to NYC without stopping in every bookstore we passed.
This is a set(with extras) of Harry Potter.
Ok, enough about things in NYC and back to our selfies.  
Late lunch.
And a show…the Liar Show to be exact.
4 people tell stores - 3 are the truth but one is a flat out lie.  After intermission you get to ask the performers questions to try to trip them up.  Those who guess the liar correctly win a t-shirt.
The Liar claimed to be a Barnes and Noble manager in 2002 "when the 5th Harry Potter came out."  
Oh no it didn't!  (picture my finger wagging at him) 
The rest of his story was about dating a woman with a blood fetish who would puncture the skin of his neck and drink his blood….but it was the Harry Potter that lost it for him.  (The guy in blue, clapping below.)
Oh look - it's Jen, Chris and Jana!  Did you miss our faces?


P. Titibasana aka Cassie said...

I'm Jana's friend Cassie. This is awesome. Wish I could have met you guys, but at least I have this blog to get the inside scoop. Congrats on the Liar's Club victory. Leave it to you bookies!

P. Titibasana aka Cassie said...

Serenity Now! These pretzels are making me thirsty.
Kramer: You know what they say, ‘You don’t sell the steak, you sell the sizzle.’