Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Bard of Avon and I do not get along

When Jen said that Denise wanted to know if we wanted to see the Shakespeare play Hamlet I said I would.  I was taking one for the team.  I never had to study Shakespeare in school, so I really can't keep up. I find it a frustrating listen.
Nonetheless, I thought it would be good to see Cumberbatch.  I wondered why he was touring in Rockport.  Seemed like a small venue for such a big star.

And I didn't think about it until the night of the play.
Jen informed me that it was a 200 minute show.  Quick math ... 3 hours, 20 minutes.... good God.
When I made a comment about Cumberbatch coming to Rockport, Jen thought I was being funny.
'This is a movie taken of the play.  He's not coming to Rockport."
Of course he's not.  Don't know what I was thinking.
And now I'm going to a 3 hour and 20 minute movie of a play ... by Shakespeare.

Beautiful little theatre in Rockport.  The stage opens up when not in use to a view of the ocean.
The crowd was a mix of old and really old people.  I put the over/under that 30% of the audience would fall asleep at any given point.  Jen picked the over.
To amuse myself I was trying to pick out the famous phrases, phrases that have become common and widely used in our language today.
Hamlet has many:
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” 
“I must be cruel only to be kind.."
“If we are true to ourselves, we can not be false to anyone.” 
"Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy."
"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” 
“This above all: to thine own self be true.” 
“Sweets to the sweet.” 
“Brevity is the soul of wit.” 
“To be, or not to be: that is the question:...."

But that game only emphasized that even when I recognized the line, I couldn't always get the context of what was going on.
I lasted two hours.  

At intermission I went for a smoke and never came back.

The rest are scenes from my stroll around quaint Rockport while the others finished the show.

1 comment:

Fletch said...

That sucks on so many levels hat it is hard to pick out the worst one. At least you got to spend time Jen which would be the only redeeming value of your evening.