Monday, November 2, 2015

Halloween Hermit

Jen is off on a NYC trip with the girls, so it was up to me to put on Halloween today.
I didn't figure I'd do much setting up, just light a fire and hand out candy.
So I took advantage of the perfect fall day to paint on the deck.

 I strolled downtown for lunch and took a few pictures of the town.

It was getting close to dark so I hustled home to get my candy out.  I only had one bag and figured I needed more.  Boy, did I.
Some of the houses do Halloween up like they are planning a wedding reception
Loved the Trump sign in front of this one.

 Just having a fire seemed lame, so I brought out the family.

 Woodman has his own Halloween bag.
 Simon scared a dog or two.  He stayed calm while they barked at him.
I would have loved it if he came to life and ate one of the little buggers.
 In between Trick or Treaters I watched The Andy Griffith Show by the fire.
 Minutes after neighbor Hugh told me he hated Halloween he came out of his house in this classic costume.  I thought he looked like a Tin Tin character.
We had a smoke, handed out candy and had a little gentlemen bonding.
In all we had about 60 kids.  I had to loan candy to Barbara and Hugh and none of us had any left.
Nice night, but I wish Jen were here.  And I hope to get pics of the grandkids to post soon.
Happy Halloween everyone.

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