Monday, November 16, 2015

Family Fare

Instead of quizzing last week we had a family dinner at Bret and Zoe's house!  Bret had the day off and spent it baking bread from scratch.  Gramma Trudi brought her famous sauce and we had a real Italian feast.
Somehow we got into telling stories about poop….Allie and Joey had a million tales about the small fries at camp.  We heard about kids pooping in the pool, in bucket, on the floor, in their pants….
Our favorite was a kid who wrote on the wall with it, earning the name "Poop-casso".

It was nice to have a family meal at home - something that Bill and I can't really offer without a dining room table.  The two of us are happy to eat on the couch but I do wish we had a solution to do a group meal like this.
After all, who wouldn't want to eat with me?
Bret and Zoe used ball jars for the drinks - which is very trendy in hipster bars right now.  They are very on trend!
Trudi joined the clean plate club. Always a fun night with the family.

1 comment:

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