Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Zoe's Shower

I started this post back in April and never had time to finish it…but in an effort to get this blog back on track I am resurrecting it to share Zoe's Bridal Shower….
Bret and Zoe are getting married in October but for some reason we hosted a shower in April.
I saw "we" hosted a shower but I did next to nothing.  With the festival looming Brenda (Bill's ex-wife) carried the heavy load of planning, inviting, organizing everything.  
Thank you, Brenda!
These were the favors.
The blushing bride.
More favors - white chocolate lollies.
The littlest guest.  She provided tons of entertainment.
Zoe enjoyed the cake.
Keith (Brenda's husband) was a good sport - he and Andrew (their son) did a lot of the party prep.  Keith even stayed to cook the food so that Brenda and I could be hosts.
Zoe did not want to open gifts in front of everyone.  Who does??  The "shower" is a very strange tradition.  Even the bride doesn't really want to be there and yet everyone puts on a smile and goes through all the usual steps.  One of Zoe's friends insisted that every ribbon that was broken meant a baby for her and Bret (please say that is a myth!  I can't handle 8 more grandkids…)
Everyone watched in rapt attention...

She survived.  A little glass of something helped.

And then it was time to undo everything we did.  I decided to murder the balloon a la Anthony Perkins Psycho style.  

1 comment:

didi said...

When and why did Zoe cut her hair?