Thursday, July 23, 2015

Throwback Thursday

Today we look back nine years to a visit with my Grandmother.  Gram MacKay was my Dad's Mom and remains the sweetest person I've ever known.  
She lost her leg giving birth to her fourth child.  Today she would have been given a shot to remove the blood clot, but back then her leg had to be removed.  Never did we hear her complain.  Judy, her fourth child, was born severely handicapped and lived a short life.
Gram felt blessed to have her in her life.
She hopped about on her crutches and we laughed at stories of how she used to whack my Dad in the bum with a crutch when he acted up.
She was an avid bird lover.  Gram's house in Ipswich was a bird sanctuary where her birds would come  greet her on the porch and eat seed out of her hand.  The only critical words we ever heard her say were that bluejays were stupid.
My Dad worshipped his Mom.  When my Dad died too young at 59 it was the toughest thing Gram ever went through.
Looking at this picture makes me happy and sad simultaneously.
I glad my boys got to know their great grandmother.  I wish I could say that about Dad.

1 comment:

didi said...

So sweet, Bill. I love it.