Monday, July 13, 2015

Book Launch Brunch

Sunday morning was a beauty - warm, sunny and clear.  It was made even better because I got to spend it sitting in Vicki's garden.  
She actually calls it her Farm.  I did not take adequate pictures to show the extensive plantings she has going on in her yard.  Everything from fruit trees to potatoes to flowers to lettuce to strawberries!  But we weren't there to focus on the foliage - we gathered to celebrate our friend's first published book!
Of course to kick the day off I needed a selfie with the Vic-ster.
One of our old festival planning pals published a children's book and we all gathered at Vicki's for a celebratory reading.  Vicki set up a tent in the back and we all settled in to hear Lucia read.
The story sounded great - based on her own experience building a tunnel in the woods one summer with her cousins and crawling through it with candles.  It makes my childhood summers sound a little dull.  Why wasn't I tunneling under ground with lit torches?

So nice to catch up with my festival friends without having to talk about the festival (although, of course we did but it was nice knowing we didn't have to.)  I can't believe I didn't take a picture of the food because it was delicious and there was a lot of it. A beautiful setting for an event - a real summer treat!

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