Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Memory Lane

For whatever blog reader may not know this…Whitney and I met in Junior High.  Whitney now lives in the house she grew up in while I moved north.  I don't get to our home town much and it's changed a lot.  Every house on my old street has been torn down and an enormous mansion is in it's place.  
Except for my old house.
This weekend I asked Whitney to do a drive by. It's looks the same only GREENER.  
We live on the far side.  The landlords lived in the near side.
We went to another childhood landmark - Volante's Farm.  This was where we would buy corn out of a bin a little hut.  Now it's a farm emporium!  With it's own cafe area and outdoor seating!
Mom, did you know how much it's changed??
Shopping for dinner.
Even Whitney's house has been updated - the blue addition on the right was added on a few years ago to expand the kitchen and give them a larger family room
The addition from the front.
Inside the addition.  They created such a great new space. 

This area was the old kitchen.
Of course, I really love the old space.  Whitney's daughter Julia was nice enough to give up her room for us.  That meant we were sleeping in Whitney's old room - where I spent many many weekend and summer nights in my teens.  That's even the same brass bed.  
There's a Bill original hanging in the dining room.
(We had steak and salmon for dinner along with lots of veggies from the farm)
Whitney loves trees.  We talked a lot about trees because they have a lot of them.

They are currently renovating the carriage house for Whitney's mom to move in.  
(Mom, if I had a carriage house I would renovate it for you.  Right now all we have is a crumbling garage that we use in the fire pit when we run out of kindling. )


didi said...

I want to see a photo of young Jen and young Whitney! (great tee shirt, Whit!)

Mom said...

Wow! Can't believe Volante's. Love Whitney's addition. Remember her wedding in the back yard? Looks like that dumb chain link fence is still up at Hunnewell St.

Mom said...

Just noticed the house next door to our old one. Is that a new garage built into the side?

Mom said...

Or is the whole house new?